
Showing posts from 2015

Plastic Formwork System | System formwork

Plastic Formwork System | System formwork  plastic formwork - moladi Plastic Formwork  Plastic Formwork   Are the inefficiencies of the brick and mortar construction process making homes unaffordable for most? Tags - plastic formwork, formwork, plastic, moladi, system, formwork system, moladi plastic formwork

moladi in Namibia | moladiNAMIBIA

moladi in Namibia - moladiNAMIBIA moladi in Namibia - moladiNamibia moladi established in Namibia - moladiNAMIBIA moladi CEO, Hennie Botes, was invited to meet with the Namibian Ministry task to address the huge housing backlog in Namibia. Also present during the meetings where the technical advisors to the Ministry and special advisor to President Hage Geingob. moladi has been handed two stands in Windhoek and another three in Gobabis to construct show units for the community. The number one issue for any home is the social acceptability criteria. The structure must feel and sound like a house that people are used to or have grown up in. If this criteria is not passed, then price is not even discussed. End user funding of the structures are critical. As the homes need to be financed over a long term in order to be financially affordable to the new owner. moladi is approved by major banks in South Africa and Namibia. For more information - Visit

Innovative construction technique

This Low-Cost Innovation could fix the Most Common Urban Problem of Affordable Housing Innovative Construction Technique Innovative construction technique It is difficult to contemplate in abstract the tremendous strain that rapid urbanization has put on housing and serviced land for the urban poor in developing countries. The United Nations Population Fund has projected that by 2030, Africa’s urban population would reach nearly 750 million, creating a dire need for proper housing and access to basic infrastructure and services. More than a dozen African cities would be among the world’s largest by 2025. Moladi , a South Africa-based family-owned business promises to simplify the housing problem. Founder Hennie Botes, using an innovative system of reusable formwork has designed an efficient construction technique that requires formwork moulds assembled with 30cmx30cm plastic panels by extension. The modular construction technique allows for buildings such as houses, scho

Low cost housing construction techniques

Low cost housing construction techniques Low cost housing construction techniques  Low cost housing construction techniques Keywords - Low cost housing construction techniques, moladi, low cost housing. building, system, techniques, formwork, system, plastic formwork, housing, building

Low Cost Housing Concepts

  Low Cost Housing Concepts  Low Cost Housing Concepts   Low Cost Housing Concepts   Reduce cost of housing construction     Low Cost Housing    Housing Concepts Low Cost Housing System Creative destruction - moladi   A  disruptive innovation  is an  innovation  that helps create a new market and value network, and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network (over a few years or decades), displacing an earlier technology - Read more   Low Cost Housing Reduce cost of housing construction Keywords - Low Cost Housing Concepts, moladi, low cost housing, construction, technology, innovative, building, formwork, plastic formwork, low-cost, housing, affordable housing, Sustainable Construction, Reduce cost of housing construction  

Low Cost Housing | moladi | Construction

Low Cost Housing | moladi | Construction  Low Cost Housing Low cost housing construction technology - Build a house a day with moladi plastic formwork system - Low Cost Housing   Keywords - Low Cost Housing, moladi, housing, low-cost construction, construction, building, building system, Innovative Building Technologies, Innovative Building Technology, formwork, Low-income housing  

Logements économiques a grande masse - moladi

Logements économiques a grande masse - moladi Logements économiques a grande masse - moladi   Innovation dans la construction  le logement abordable   Réduire le coût de la construction de logements Construction et innovation Logements économiques a grande masse - moladi Logements économiques a grande masse - moladi -  masse Logements économiques - Coffrage - lodgement - maisons - novateur - construction de lodgements - Construction et innovation - Projets de logement économique - logements sociaux, Construction et innovation, Réduire le coût de la construction de logements

Making Housing Affordable | moladi

Making Housing Affordable | moladi  Affordable Housing - moladi Making Housing Affordable  Affordable Housing - moladi Making Housing Affordable COST SAVINGS moladi  is able to control costs better by consolidating the supply chain. Its kit concept ensures that it controls costs by sourcing almost all components needed for a building site in one go, ensuring better control over prices and costs. Furthermore, says Hennie Botes, “ the streamlined building process is designed in such a way that we can avoid expensive stoppages which are common on traditional building sites, where the builders have to wait for the electrician, then for the plumber, and new holes need to be drilled every time, wasting building material and time. Furthermore, “ during the design process, precise weight and volume calculations can be made for all materials and components thanks to standardization, which simplifies project management and drastically reduces the wastage factor on site. Finall

Innovative Building Technologies | moladi

Innovative Building Technologies Innovative Building Technologies Innovative Building Technologies - Formwork Technology Smithsonian's Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum - Rockefeller Foundation to showcase the South African designed and patented Innovative Building Technologies and formwork construction technology as an innovative solution to address the unprecedented growth of informal settlements globally, creating employment, developing entrepreneurs and housing the homeless applying new innovative financial structures creating sustainable developments   innovative building technology Keywords - innovative building technologies, moladi, innovative, building, technologies, technology, material, system, process, formwork, ibt, new, housing, construction, build

Innovative Building Technologies

Innovative Building Technologies Innovative Building Technologies moladi Innovative Building Technology   moladi produces a plastic formwork system to build housing estates faster better for less - Reducing Cost of Construction   Keywords NHBRC, CSIR, moladi, Agrément, South Africa, certificate, certification, approval, bank approved, FNB, ABSA, Standard Bank, Agrément Certificate, Innovative Building Technologies, Innovative, Building, Technologies, IBT 

Affordable Housing in South Africa

  Affordable Housing in South Africa  Affordable Housing in Africa  Affordable Housing in South Africa Affordable Housing in Africa Decent affordable housing is one of the key factors in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. It is not just about putting a roof over someone’s head. Academic research proves that access to a clean and stable home implicates an improvement in security, health and education. Moladi , a South African based company established in 1986, makes housing accessible through innovative and eco-friendly formwork technology delivering Affordable housing projects Affordable Housing in South Africa | Affordable housing Africa For more information click on - Video Link  - Reduce cost of housing construction Keywords - Affordable housing in South Africa, affordable housing in Africa, affordable housing, South Africa, Africa, moladi, homes, houses, building, construction, Reduce cost of housing construction

How to build a house?

How to build a house? How to build a house? How to build a house? Building homes are made much less complicated when implementing  moladi formwork construction system to build. For more detailed information you are welcome to visit or view a short video of the building process Keywords - How to build a house, building, system, housing, build, construct, housing, affordable housing, low cost construction, formwork, video, how to, system, easy, simple, quick, fast, step by step, foundation, roof, walls, top structure

Affordable Housing Developers | Affordable Housing Projects

Affordable Housing Developers | Affordable Housing Projects Affordable Housing Developers Affordable Housing Developers Decent affordable housing is one of the key factors in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. It is not just about putting a roof over someone’s head. Academic research proves that access to a clean and stable home implicates an improvement in security, health and education.   Moladi , a South African based company established in 1986, makes housing accessible to low-income people through innovative and eco-friendly formwork technology   Keywords - moladi, formwork, technology, affordable, housing, projects, developers, affordable housing developers, affordable housing projects, contactors, building, construction

Affordable Housing Developers

Affordable Housing Developers  Affordable Housing Developers Affordable Housing Developers Decent affordable housing is one of the key factors in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. It is not just about putting a roof over someone’s head. Academic research proves that access to a clean and stable home implicates an improvement in security, health and education. Affordable Housing Developers Moladi , a South African based company established in 1986, makes housing accessible to people through innovative and eco-friendly formwork technology.  Affordable Housing Projects   Keywords - Affordable Housing, Affordable, housing, developers, projects, low-cost, low-income, homes, construction, building, moladi, system, formwork

Affordable Housing moladi

Affordable Housing | moladi Affordable Housing Affordable Housing Affordable Housing - moladi Building construction system - moladi plastic formwork construction system builds quality affordable homes and quality affordable housing projects all across the globe   Keywords - Affordable Housing, moladi, low cost housing, low-income housing, plastic formwork, formwork, construction system, building system, affordable homes, housing, backlog

Formaletas Plasticas moladi

Formaletas Plasticas moladi  Formaletas Plasticas Formaletas Plasticas moladi Formaletas Plasticas Keywords - Formaletas Plasticas, moladi, Sistemas de Encofrado, Plastico Encofrado, Sistemas, Encofrado, casas, Viviendas de bajo costo, Sistema de construcción, viviendas, vivienda asequible, Low cost housing, Affordable Housing, Formwork, Cimbras

Habitação de baixo custo | Casas de baixo custo | moladi

Habitação de baixo custo | Casas de baixo custo | moladi Habitação de baixo custo casas de baixo custo moladi, Habitação de baixo custo, Habitação, Construção , Projetos, Desenvolvedores, Habitação de Baixo Custo , habitação de baixa renda , moladi , fabricante, paredes , construção, Habitação de Baixo Custo, tecnologia de cofragem , método, processo, sistema de construção , sistema de construção inovador , os projetos habitacionais de massa, baixo custo , habitação, de baixo custo , habitação, sistema de construção , sistema de construção inovador , os projetos habitacionais de massa, Tecnologia da Construção, projeto , desenvolvedores, cofragem, casas de baixo custo , casas de Baixo custo

Viviendas de Bajo Coste | moladi

Viviendas de Bajo Coste | moladi Viviendas de Bajo Coste Viviendas de Bajo Coste E l foco de moladi siempre ha estado en casas asequibles y de bajos ingresos o de hogares de bajo coste para el mercado masivo. Debido a las mejoras continuas durante casi tres décadas moladi ha surgido como un líder en el campo de los "productores" estructuras de primera calidad en un período muy corto a un precio reducido - Resultando en Viviendas de Bajo Coste   Para obtener más información sobre moladi visitar nuestro nuevo sitio web en Keywords - Viviendas de Bajo Coste, Bajo Coste Viviendas, Vivienda de interés social, sistema de construcción de bajo costo, la vivienda, moladi, encofrado, Tecnología de la Construcción

Housing: Affordable Housing

Housing: Affordable Housing Housing Housing The demand for housing has escalated tremendously over the last few years. Conventional construction cannot cope with the need to deliver housing projects in a short time frame - moladi construction technology addresses the key factors of affordable housing delivery low cost housing - low-income housing Social acceptance Affordability Speed of production Durability For more information visit Keywords - moladi, affordable housing, construction, building, homes, alternative technology, low cost homes, low cost housing, speed, homes, material, low cost housing, low income housing  

Affordable Housing: Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing: Affordable Housing Affordable Housing - moladi Affordable Housing The demand for affordable housing has escalated tremendously over the last few years. Conventional construction cannot cope with the need to deliver housing projects in a short time frame - moladi construction technology addresses the key factors of affordable housing Social acceptance Affordability Durability For more information visit Keywords - moladi, affordable housing, construction, building, homes, alternative technology, low cost homes, low cost housing  

Lightweight Formwork | moladi

Lightweight Formwork | moladi Lightweight Formwork The focus of moladi has always been on affordable and low-income homes for the mass market. Due to the continuous improvements over nearly three decades moladi has emerged as a leader in the field of “producing” top quality structures in a very short period at a reduced price, implementing the patented lightweight formwork system. The moladi system consists of a lightweight reusable and recyclable plastic formwork or mould, which is filled with stone-less concrete and a special admixture. The lightweight formwork can be reused up to 50 times. According to the founder Hennie Botes, the brickless walls can withstand all types of weather. The formwork is lightweight allowing easy transportation. Due to the simplicity in design and the repetitive application scheme, construction costs can be reduced significantly. The moladi model is not only cost-effective but fast, too. The wall structure of a house can be c

Brick Built Homes versus Innovative Building Technologies

Brick Homes versus innovative Building Technologies Brick built homes do not fare well compared to new innovative building technologies Many Innovative Building Technologies (IBT) or Alternative Building Technologies (ABT) or non-masonry building systems, outstrip brick and mortar homes. The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research ( CSIR ) rates brick homes 32nd out of 40 certified systems.  moladi - innovative building technologies moladi  uses reusable lightweight plastic formwork to cast walls in place or insitu. The technology speeds up the construction process reducing cost, making homes stronger and affordable. For more information visit CSIR - Brick Built Homes Report versus Innovative Building Technologies Injection moulded construction process - moladi vs. Brick and mortar Keywords - moladi, ABT, IBT, Alternative Building Technology, Building System, brick, block, non masonry, brick and mortar, new, CSIR, injecti

For more on moladi

What is the cost to 3D print a house?

LOW COST HOUSING design concept

Emailing: Angola President Dos Santos Confident About Sustainable Development (Page 1 of 1)