Lafarge cooperation partnership with moladi

Lafarge cooperation partnership with moladi

We are honoured to have been recognized as a global leader in the development of innovative construction technology by the world’s number one cement producer, Lafarge. During a recent visit by the Lafarge team to Port Elizabeth, it was confirmed that moladi has been selected to partner with Lafarge in order to address the production and delivery of affordable housing globally. An invitation was extended to Hennie Botes, CEO of moladi, to formalize the MOU at the Lafarge headquarters in Paris.
The initial scope of the partnership is to focus on introducing a combined housing project, starting with Mauritius, Iraq, Brazil and the African continent. Other areas of technical cooperation include the development of fibre reinforcing to further reduce cost of construction. This prestigious partnership brings us another step closer to becoming the world’s “One Stop Housing Shop”

An opportunity for moladi to export to many more countries with the support of Lafarge supplying cement, providing countries with much needed technology, materials and expertize to address the need of delivering affordable mass housing, and above all, create employment for the unemployed, combining construction with economic development - Link.
moladi Lafarge
moladi Lafarge meeting in Port Elizabeth
Decent affordable housing is one of the key factors in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. It is not just about putting a roof over someone’s head. Academic research proves that access to a clean and stable home implicates an improvement in security, health and education.

Read more about our philosophy and how we approach projects of this nature implementing our patented innovative technology - Imagination For People - Social Innovation for the Bottom of the Pyramid

TEAM moladi

“Train the unemployed to build for the homeless”
Keywords - moladi, Lafarge, cement, MOU, cooperation, partnership, affordable housing

For more on moladi

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